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Family Life

As stay-at-home mothers, our lives revolve around family and home. Family life means enjoying both simple and special occasions. Everyday is a chance to make the ordinary extraordinary, because that is what our children have taught us….turning the simplicity of the everyday into an occasion to remember.

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  • Sunflowers Colby Farm
    Family Life

    Gather Sunflowers at Colby Farm

    One of the most wonderful things about living in New England is the vast array of local farms to visit.  Today, we visited Colby Farm in Newbury to see the sunflower fields…

  • Family Life

    Spring Skiing

    Every year for Christmas, my brother gives us gift cards for a family adventure.  He believes spending time together, as a family, is more important than material items.  In the past, we’ve…

  • Family Life

    Surfing New England

    Surfing in New England is great fun, and our girls love it!  It turns out they are very adventurous and willing to try a variety of endeavors.  Every summer we head up…