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Some of our happiest hours are spent among plants. Even during our harshest winters, we’re able to garden indoors with fresh cut flowers from local florists, and greenery cut from surrounding woods. Forcing bulbs and buds satisfies us until crocus peaks its head above the ground and welcomes the coming spring.

~ Be inspired today!

  • outdoor fall decor

    Fall Pleasures ~ Porches, Patios, and Window Boxes

    Continuing our Fall Pleasures series, this week we’re featuring outdoor decor and entertaining ideas.  This series is about simple things that you can do today, so we hope these images inspire you to create lovely outdoor…

  • Garden

    Beacon Hill Garden Tour

    Most of us jump at a chance to see how the “other half” lives.  Here in Boston, we have that opportunity every spring, during the Beacon Hill Garden Tour.  The tour is a…

  • Garden

    Window Box Gardens on Beacon Hill

    I’ve said before that I love how city gardeners provide beauty for us all with their curbside plantings and window box gardens.  Unlike suburban gardens, which are often out of sight, city gardens can feel…

  • Garden

    Indoor Gardening ~ Bringing Spring Inside

    I don’t know about you, but Winter tries my gardening soul.  Here in New England, I strum my fingers, waiting for the day I can get outside in spring, with spade and…